Presentation   2018   June


At Foliotek, we work hard to provide the best assessment and portfolio software possible.  To do that, we make changes every week.  Sometimes we fix things that don't work, other times we release new features to improve your experience.  Below you will find a description of the changes we have made this month.



What's new

We released some new features and upgrades this week:

  • Sorry, nothing new this week.

What we fixed

These issues were fixed this past week:

  • There was an issue connecting Canvas accounts to activities in Foliotek.
  • For some Presentation users, the Tags button was missing for projects on the Project Management page.
  • We optimized the student upload feature when adding new students to Foliotek.

What we're working on

Watch for these items to be released in the next few weeks:

  • Sorry, nothing close enough to mention at the moment.


If you have questions or want more information about anything we released this week, call our support team at 888.365.4639 and select option 2.



What's new

We released some new features and upgrades this week:

  • Nothing new released this week.

What we fixed

These issues were fixed this past week:

  • The Scoring Rates report was not compiling data collected on standards that were being scored as expectations in evaluations.
  • For project templates that were used in activities, the instructions area was misaligned.
  • Users building projects on an iPad were not able to edit the Overview area of the project.

Editing the Overview

  • If a student was creating a project that required them to select the applicable standards, the standards they selected were not being shown to them until the page was refreshed.

What we're working on

Watch for these items to be released in the next few weeks:

  • Sorry, nothing close enough to mention at the moment.


If you have questions or want more information about anything we released this week, call our support team at 888.365.4639 and select option 2.



What's new

We released some new features and upgrades this week:

  • Sorry, nothing new this week.

What we fixed

These issues were fixed this past week:

  • Some activity links in Canvas were not working as they should.
  • External evaluators were not receiving the email with the link to the evaluation when an evaluation deadline was extended.
  • We optimized the spreadsheet upload when administrators add new students to the system.  This resulted in better notification of invalid users on the list and it increased the speed of the upload process.
  • Users attempting to register for new accounts using Internet Explorer 11 were unable to complete the process due to the inability to complete textbox questions.  This included profile text questions and possibly the initials box on the user agreement page.
  • Some faculty members with administrative permissions to run reports were not being correctly limited to only the groups they had permission to view.

What we're working on

Watch for these items to be released in the next few weeks:

  • Sorry, nothing close enough to mention at the moment.


If you have questions or want more information about anything we released this week, call our support team at 888.365.4639 and select option 2.



What's new

We released some new features and upgrades this week:

  • We didn't release anything new this week...

What we fixed

These issues were fixed this past week:

  • One of our new features last week inadvertently impacted Blackboard integration links.  That issue was fixed.
  • We also made an adjustment to the way the GDPR document opens when creating a new account.
  • Some faculty members were experiencing slow load times when scoring evaluations that contained a very large number of documents, the speed of these evaluations has been improved.
  • Users who were a part of very large organizations might have experienced slowness when logging into their accounts.

What we're working on

Watch for these items to be released in the next few weeks:

  • Sorry, nothing close enough to mention at the moment.


If you have questions or want more information about anything we released this week, call our support team at 888.365.4639 and select option 2.