Admin Assessment: Organizations Portfolio Structures
Portfolio Structures
- Where does the Portfolio Structures link lead?
- What are the details of a portfolio structure and what does each do?
- How can I view/edit portfolio details (name/description/features)?
- How can I view/edit the sections of my portfolio structure?
- How can I View/Edit Section Settings?
- What are the section settings and what does each one do?
- How can I add a section to a portfolio structure?
- How can I remove a section from a portfolio structure?
- How can I reorder the sections of a portfolio structure?
- How can I add a portfolio element to a portfolio section?
- How can I remove a portfolio element from a portfolio section?
- How can I reorder the list of portfolio elements within a portfolio section?
- What functions can I perform in regards to portfolio elements?
- What element details can I edit and how do I do so?
- How can I add a form as a required item within a new portfolio element?
- How can I add a form as a required item within an existing element?
- How do I send a portfolio form to an external faculty member?
- How can I add a journal as a required item within a new portfolio element?
- How can I add a journal as a required item within an existing portfolio element?
- How can I set a portfolio element to be automatically associated with a standard?
- How can I set a portfolio element to be automatically associated with a course?
- How can I view/edit the resources that are associated with a portfolio?
- How can I edit the details (name, description, user type, resource type, and replacement file [if necessary]) of a resource?
- How can I preview a resource?
- How can I remove a resource from a portfolio structure?
- How can I associate a standards list with a portfolio structure?
- How can I disassociate a list of standards from a portfolio structure?
- How can I turn off the function which allows students to associate portfolio elements with standards?
- How can I deactivate a portfolio structure and what does this accomplish?