Admin Assessment: Organizations Courses
- Where does the Courses link lead to?
- Why do most of the courses not have a check box next to them?
- How do I add a single course to the list of available courses?
- How can I import multiple courses at once?
- Once I have added a course, how do I add sections and details about the course?
- How can I edit the details about a section?
- Once I have added a course, how do I add it to 'My Courses' for a faculty member?
- How can I search for a course so I won’t have to look through the entire list to find it?
- How can I add students to a course?
- How can I add resource files to a course?
- How can I add an assignment to a course?
- How can I associate a standard with an assignment?
- How can I remove a standard association from an assignment?
- How can I deactivate a course, and what does this accomplish?
- What is a course evaluation?
- How are course evaluations different than regular evaluations?
- How do I create a course evaluation?