Portfolio Structures

How do I send a portfolio form to an external faculty member?

Follow these steps:

  1. Click Portfolio Structures
  2. In the Actions menu, next to the desired portfolio, click View/Edit Portfolio Sections
  3. In the Actions menu, next to the section that contains the desired form, click View/Edit Elements
  4. In the Actions menu, next to the element that contains the desired form, click View/Edit Required Forms & Journals
  5. If the form is set to be completed by faculty, you will find a link labeled 'Send Externals' to the right of the form name
  6. Click 'Send Externals'
  7. Click Add Externals
  8. Click Add Evaluators
  9. Choose a method to add evaluators
  10. If you chose to add a single evaluator, enter the name and email address of the evaluator and click Finish
  11. Check the box next to the desired evaluator and the box next to the desired student(s)
  12. If you choose to upload a list, click Upload a list of Evaluators
  13. Click Browse to find the file on your computer that contains the list
  14. Click Next
  15. Click Create Group
  16. Assign a begin and end date for access to the form
  17. Check the box for emailing evaluators now if you wish to give them advanced notice. If the date is the present day, you will not have the ability to send the advanced notice email.  The evaluator(s) will still get an email with a link to complete the form.
  18. Click Add External(s)