Admin Assessment: Measurements Evaluations
- What does the Evaluations link do?
- How do I add an evaluation?
- How can I add evaluatees and evaluators to an existing evaluation?
- What are the three options for portfolio submission when setting up an evaluation?
- How can I extend the deadline for submitting an evaluation?
- How can I add an evaluator to a student within an evaluation?
- How do I view the record of who will be evaluating each student?
- How do I remove an evaluator from a student’s records?
- What does it mean to publish an evaluation and how is it done?
- How can I quickly publish a set of evaluations?
- How can I unpublish a record?
- How can I send a completed evaluation back to the evaluator so that he/she can correct mistakes?
- How do I set up a revision evaluation?
- How can I preview what will be scored?
- How can I change the name of an evaluation?
- How do I remove an evaluation from the system?
- How can I quickly review a report on an evaluation?
- How do I deactivate an Evaluation and what does this accomplish?