Portfolio Structures
How can I add a form as a required item within a new portfolio element?
This is a function which you may or may not want to attempt on
your own. A strong understanding of portfolio structures if very
helpful in trying to complete this function. Contact Foliotek
Support if you require assistance or you would rather have us
complete this process for you.
Once you have created your form, follow these steps:
- Click Portfolio Structures in left side menu
- Hover over the Actions menu next to the portfolio to which you wish to add the form
- Click View/Edit Portfolio Sections
- Hover over the Actions menu next to the section to which you wish to add the form
- Click View/Edit Elements
- Click +Add Element
- Give the new element a name and description in the appropriate text boxes
- Select who can view this portfolio element by clicking the radio button next to "All students" or, "Only students in groups:" (if you chose the latter, select which group(s) which would need to have access to the form in their portfolios)
- Select your choice for the maximum files a student can add to this element.
- Make your selection for Sharing, Associating Standards, and Review Requests
- Choose whether or not to allow students the ability to hide this element from faculty
- Click OK
- Hover over the Actions menu next to the name of the element you just added
- Click View/Edit Required Forms and Journals
- Click +Add Required File
- Give the item (your form) a name in the 'Name:' text box
- Select the type of file by clicking on the radio button next to the form
- Select the correct form from the drop down menu
- Select who can edit this form by checking the appropriate box(es) (students, faculty, administrators)
- Click OK