Portfolio Structures

How can I view/edit the resources that are associated with a portfolio?

You have the ability to offer resources (files or links to websites) to student and faculty. To do so, follow these steps:

  1. Click Portfolio Structures from within the Assessment menu
  2. Hover over the Actions menu next to the portfolio for which you wish to view/edit the resources
  3. Click View/Edit Resources (this will display the resources for viewing, continue, below, if you wish to add a resource)
  4. Click +Add Resource
  5. Give the resource a name and description using the appropriate text boxes
  6. Select what type of user(s) will be able to access the resource using the User Type dropdown menu
  7. Select the Resource Type by clicking the radio button next to File or Link
  8. IF you chose file, then use the Browse button to find the resource file on your computer (or other storage option) and double click on it
  9. IF you chose Link, then type in the URL (web address) of the link
  10. Click OK