How do I add an evaluation?
Follow these steps:
- Click on the Evaluations link from within the Assessment menu
- Click on the link "+Add Evaluation"
- Choose a Portfolio Structure
- Choose a Published Scoring Guide
- Click in the checkbox next to Automated Revisions On if you want revisions automatically created for evaluations
- Select the box that says 'Automated Revisions on (beta)" if you would like to setup automated revisions. If you do not want automated revisions then skip the next step.
- If you want automated revisions, you will have to select a due date from the dropbox and you will have to select the requirements for the revision.
- Choose an Academic Term
- Choose the submission method by selecting the radio button next to the appropriate description, click "OK"
- Click on the check box to allow non-external scorers to publish their own scores, if desired
- If you wish to keep the student names hidden, click the check box next to Make the Evaluation Anonymous
- If you wish to hide the scores from students, click the check box next to Hide Scores From Students
- Select IF students will receive an email notification by clicking on the appropriate check box; if you don't want an email to be sent then leave no check mark in the box
- Select IF Foliotek evaluators will receive an email notification by clicking on the appropriate check box; if you don't want an email to be sent, then leave no check mark in the box
- IF you are using external evaluators, type in the email message you wish to send to them (external evaluators will always be emailed when the evaluation is submitted and ready for them)
- Give the evaluation a name
- Click on "Create Sets"
- Find students in the selected portfolio using the search engine. You conduct a search for a specific student by typing in the name and/or username of the student and clicking on Find ; doing so will display the student with that name and/or username. You can also search by program/group, course, or profile by clicking in the circle next to the appropriate choice. Use the drop down menus to select the criteria, and click on Find.
- Click on the names of the students to add them to the set
- Find faculty by clicking on the Faculty radio button, using the search engine
- Click on the name of the faculty you wish to add to the set
- If you would like to add external evaluators to the set, click the External radio button, fill in the appropriate information, and click "add"
- Review the set in the "Set Preview" pane and click "Create Sets"
- To add additional sets follow the same process using the search engine
- When finished creating the sets, click "Finished"
- Choose whether the selected faculty will complete all units or only selected units of the evaluation by clicking on the appropriate description
- IF you chose to have the faculty to complete only selected units of the evaluation, designate which units each faculty member will score by clicking on the appropriate check boxes, Click on "OK"
- Review the evaluation details and click "Create Evaluation"