Forms and Journals
What types of questions can be added to a form?
These types of questions can be
used on a form:
A drop down list is a rectangular box with an arrow on the right side. When the arrow is clicked, the answer choices are displayed. The users simply click on their choice to select it. A drop down list is a good choice when the question has several possible answers but only one is needed.
A check box list displays all possible answers with a check box next to them. When answering the question one can check as many boxes as needed. This is a good choice when the question has several possible answers and more than one may be required.
Radio Button
A radio button list displays all possible answers with a circle next to them. When answering the question one can only click on one circle. A dot will appear in the circle when it is selected. If the user clicks on another circle, the dot will only appear in the circle next to that choice. This is a good choice for a question with up to six answer choices which only requires one answer.
Single-line Textbox
A text box (single line) is a small rectangular text box in which the user can type an answer. This is a good option for a short textual answer that does not require generation of statistical data.
Multi-line Textbox
A text box (multi-line) is a larger rectangular box in which the user can type in a longer answer. This is a good option for a longer textual answer that does not require generation of statistical data.
Date Textbox
Use this question type when the user needs to assign a date.
Radio Button Grid
A Radio Button Grid allows users to select an answer option (column) for each question (row) in a table. Use a Radio Button Grid to group a series of radio button questions together that share the same answer options. Radio Button Grid questions are great to use in place of a series of Likert Scale questions when you need to report on the questions together.
Checkbox Grid
The Checkbox Grid lets users select multiple answer options (columns) for each question (row) in a table. Use a Checkbox Grid to group a series of checkbox questions together that share the same answer options.