How do I generate a report based on a scoring guide?
Note: This is an administrative task which faculty members may not have permission to use. If you feel you need this feature added to your account, contact your institution's portfolio administrator.
Follow these steps:
- Click on the Reports link
- Click on Scoring Guide
- Use the drop down menu to select the Scoring Guide Template
- Use the drop down menu to select the Published Scoring Guide Template
- Select the evaluation(s) you would like to include in the report by checking the box(es) next to the name of the evaluation -- the evaluations listed will be all of the evaluations that were completed using the selected scoring guide
- Select whether you would like to include all completed evaluations or only published evaluations by clicking on the appropriate choice
- Check the box(es) next to the phase(s) of the evaluation you want to include in the report
- Use the Filter by Profile tool if desired
- Click on Generate